Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A few links for your viewing pleasure

I believe this pic and a few others will be in a GQ spread. Not certain, but if you really want to know, you can do the sleuthing.
TwiCrack Addict - lots of fun Eclipse stuff with behind the scenes photos, like this one.
Who is your lady friend , Nikki? She's got some cute hair.
Jackson!?!? Sorry man, I didn't recognize you there...
You usually look more, um, like this -

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Silly, silly merchandisers

Team Switzerland, for when you feel the love for fire and ice!
Would this be too creepy?

Ken necklace created by Margeux Lange
So, would little Edward face necklaces be too out there fellow Twilighters?
Friday, June 11, 2010
Someone call Great Clips

I actually like Rosalie's hair and makeup here, but Emmett? Is he supposed to be a Vulcan visiting Forks in this movie?
No real problems with Esme here. Hopefully they remember to blend the foundation all the way up to her hairline in this flick, though. Carlisle, on the other hand, has a severe case of helmet-head - are you ready for some football!

For me, this is the worst one. I've said it before and I'll say it again -WHY, SUMMIT, WHY?!?! Alice's trademark wispy, spiky hair is some bob cut and I will not even comment on Jasper's hair.
If they had to give Jasper a slightly longer 'do, they should have done a little something like this...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Twilight Explained - Sort of
Sadly, elements of this video make perfect sense. Case in point - Bella, or should I say Lego?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tempted by the Fruit of Another
It started out innocently, me wanting to just have something new to read when I get a spare minute. (What about Twilight, you ask? I read a good 10 minutes or more of the series every day, thank you!) I am looking at the discount books at K-mart and grab one called Blue Bloods. It's cheap, not a huge tomb, and isn't a teaching manual - sold! Once at home, I take it out and start reading. It's good, really good.
Cut to the end of that week and I have devoured all four existing books in the series. As I type, I anxiously await October so I can get my next Blue Bloods fix.
We all read other books, right? Well, this is a little different because this is a series about vampires. Who are teens. And there is a love triangle. Did I mention that werewolves are being added to the series eventually?
No sparkling in sunlight for these vamps, but I am completely intrigued with the author's concepts. Vampires are really angels that were cast out of heaven for following the Morningstar - Lucifer. They must live their lives out on Earth, helping civilization in order to try to win favor with the Almighty for a second chance at heaven.
Yes, they suck blood, but never drain people. It is supposed to be a holy, special kind of exchange between human familiar and vampire. Plus, they get reincarnated after every life cycle with memories that kick-in as they reach the age of 18. Many of the vamps can remember back to the Mayflower or even ancient Egypt.
Now, imagine all this, plus add a dash of teenage angst and self-discovery. Makes for an interesting mix. Especially when you are a rich, elite teen who finds out that you have super powers and need to suck blood to survive.
The whole new take on vampires has me thirsting for more, much like Twilight did. But rest assured friends, I may be tempted, but will never desert Twidom. After all, there is only one Edward.

It's ok, Big T. I know you'll always come back to me in the end.