This school, where I worked for 11 mostly good years, has played a big hand in my Twilight obsession. I bonded with students and co-workers alike over the books and movies. Little T and I have put up posters of Twilight characters in nooks and crannies all over the building. Lil' E has been a regular visitor in my classrooms and gone on a number of field trips with students. I even sent him on vacation with a family once so he could see Florida (true story). Heck, say the name Edward around my students and they'll tell you that's my future husband. Plus, all of them can now recognize him in commercials and print ads and will tell me what stores they've seen the Twilight books displayed -did I mention they are all 5 and 6 year old little boys? I even have a collection of artwork given to me by students who drew me riding wolf-Jacob's back or dancing with Edward.
Thanks for the memories, Twilight!
A student gave the Twilight Trinity strawberry smiles on a recent field trip. What? You thought I'd bring plain disposable plates for the kids? Not when these babies are available!