Adventures in Twilightland
First, we want you all to know that we realize there is more to life than Twilight. We don't spend every waking moment talking and thinking about Twilight, but it is near and dear to our hearts.
Within this blog you will find our Twilight musings, declarations of adoration, and all sorts of other silly Twilight-related nonsense. And to all you other Twilight fans, we'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Harry Potter fans, raise your hands! I see many of our readers share a love for both wizards and sparkly vampires, which comes as no surprise since our beloved Rob Pattinson has been in both franchises.

Now, how many of you have signed up for Pottermore? Really? I haven't bothered yet. A: I was too lazy to try to find the feather thing and B: Well, I was just plain lazy.

In response to the wildly successful Pottermore site, Stephanie Meyers has come up with her own online adventure for devoted Twilight Fans. May I present: Twimore!

*Yes, I know this is a joke. Go anyway and make sure to find out what your vampire name is! For the record, mine was Twi-crimsonvamp.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Mark Wahlberg Knows

Recently, Mark Wahlberg abdicated his reign over the land of buff biceps and chiseled abs to Taylor Lautner.
Take a peek here.

That's right, even Marky Mark can't deny the siren call of the Twilight men.