His lips are a bit too Angelina Jolie for me, but working with wool roving can be a total pain in the bum sometimes, so I'd give this Etsy artist an (A) for effort. Available from gimpyvicki123
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Best of Both Worlds - Topless Edition
His lips are a bit too Angelina Jolie for me, but working with wool roving can be a total pain in the bum sometimes, so I'd give this Etsy artist an (A) for effort. Available from gimpyvicki123
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Rockin Robin is a Twilightland Hero
"Robin, I don't understand her reasoning, either. There is no way Emmett is hotter than me!"
Friday, December 24, 2010
Best of Both Worlds - Emmett Edition
Show your love for everyone's favorite monkey man by adding this tile pendant to a necklace, keychain, hairclip, or whatever else your heart desires! Available from LaBellaNovella.
Nothing says "I am a mature, organized woman" like a Team Emmett notebook. The classy argyle background makes this suitable for school, home, or work use. Plus, everyone will know that your alliances fall with vamps once they spot the "Vampires Rule, Werewolves Drool" slogan so you don't have to waste your time talking with Team Jacob weirdos anymore! Available from mommymauss.
*I know that this is really a picture of Kellan Lutz that's spiced up to look like Emmett. Dude, it was hard to find Emmett stuff - remember the dog sculpture. Also, I am not passing up the opportunity to share a shirtless image of Kellan Lutz with you wonderful blog readers. That would be a total disservice to the two people that actually read this blog.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Best of Both Worlds - Edward Edition
Frankly, I think this sock zombie ala Edward is spot-on: messy bronze hair that is calling out for you to run your fingers through it, golden eyes that leave you speechless with their beauty, plus his stylish pea coat and pale skin. Biggest bonus: it's a puppet! Available from underroos.
Even equines cannot resist the hotness that is Edward Cullen! Now I won't mind so much when my niece asks me to start playing "My Little Pony" with her when she's older. Available from Wendypony.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Best of Both Worlds - Jasper Edition
Today's Etsy post is devoted to Jasper. My heart may belong to Edward Cullen, but if I were left alone with Jasper... well, let's just say he wouldn't need to use his powers of persuasion to steal me away from his brother.*
I know this should be considered Jackson Rathbone and not Jasper, but I couldn't resist! If I had this key chain, I don't think I'd ever have a problem with misplacing my keys again. Available from StraitjacketFun.
What's with the Confederate flag and gun, you ask? Silly, did you forget that once upon a time Jasper was a soldier in the Confederate army before he joined the Cullen fam? Available from islandgirlzjewelry.
Mug of hot chocolate - check. Flashlight - check. Good book - check. Jasper doll - check. Ready to crawl under blanket fort - check. Available from TheBlackPumpkin.
Jasper duckie, you're the one! You make bath time so much fun (wink, wink). Available from OnlyDucks.
Sadly, there are not a whole lot of Jasper-themed items on Etsy at the moment. In fact, during one of my "Jasper" searches I ended up finding some really nice non-Twilight jewelry. Hmmm, methinks Little T and I may need to remedy that problem.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Preferred Blood Type
Are you a vampire snob, who only believes in one type of vampire and thinks all other versions of bloodsuckers are a mockery of your one true love? You know, you don't consider a vampire "real" unless it conforms to Stephenie Meyer's, Ann Rice's, Joss Whedon's, (insert another writer/movie director/tv show producer's name here), idea of vampire lore.
Do you embrace all types of vampires, regardless of the way they are presented? You are cool with vampires sparkling. You don't mind when they cower in fear when faced with a garlic wreath. You are ok with vamps morphing into a bat. In fact, you are the person who loves vampires so much, you will read or watch anything that merely has the word vampire in it.
Or are you somewhere in the middle? You are ok with differing vampire viewpoints, but are a little more discerning when it comes to selecting vampire-themed books and movies to satisfy your jones for creatures of the night.
Myself, I walk the middle of the road. I love to read and watch all sorts of vampire-based stories, but I have limits.
The reason I ask is that I am looking for my next quality fix. While "Eclipse" is being released this coming up weekend and will keep me occupied for a couple of weeks (and I have decided not to attend a midnight release party - no money and the lameness factor of the "New Moon" party), I know that I will be looking out for my next helping of vampire folklore soon enough.
So, send me your suggestions for my vampire reading/viewing pleasure!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Now I can spend my winter break watching Edward get all growly and territorial when Victoria tries to attack Bella. Though in my mind's eye Edward will be protecting me, not Bella. Victoria can suck on Bella's bony little neck all she wants.
While I am excited about the upcoming DVD release, I'm not sure if I will be participating in the usual pre-release celebrations that Borders offers. Little T and I enjoyed the festivities for "Twilight", but last year's party for "New Moon" was a snooze-fest. Lucky for us, our friend Nancy had come along and provided some entertainment as we waited for the stroke of midnight to snatch up our DVDs.
This DVD release party might be stellar, better than the first one we attended. Or it could suck, and not in the vampire way.
Do I go to Borders again, find a new midnight release venue, or stay home and buy the movie during daylight hours?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Colder than a well-digger's bum
That being said, I don't think I'd want to snuggle up with a handsome piece of vampire man-meat every night during the long winter months. Sounds crazy, I know. But electric blankets cost money, people, as do the electricity bills that would occur from me cranking that blanket to high night after night so my undead stud-muffin can sing me to sleep.
Plus, having to wear 7 layers of clothing to bed, plus the obligatory hat, gloves, scarf, and face mask doesn't really bode well for snuggling.
I'd either have to find a rich vampire (hello, Edward) or move to a warmer climate (which is just about anywhere else in the U.S., except for Minnesota).
I hear Texas is nice this time of year...
Monday, October 11, 2010
There is a Twilight point to this post
Most people have seen at least one of the Star Wars flicks by now and you all know that Darth Vader is Luke's dad, right? No? Ooops, my bad!
Anyway, those movies have been digitalized, refurbished, re-released, reupholstered and everything else you can do to a movie short of re-shooting it. My question is - why? To make it a better experience for the fans or to get more moola from the truly devoted?
This does have a Twilight connection, just let me get there. I was watching Twilight last night and thought about the HUGE advancements from the first movie to the third. And considering the crew of cinematic geniuses that will be contributing to Breaking Dawn, these movies are going to seem completely unconnected.
I just wonder how many years it will take before they remake Twilight. Or they do some other fancy-pants effects to the movie and we all are expected to go purchase a new DVD copy.
Most of us fell in love with the original and are ok with the hokeyness of Edward's "Hold on tight, spider monkey." But when will the big wigs decide that it would be fantastic to see Rosalie break the salad bowl in 3-D or maybe today's teens can't relate to Kristin Stewart's Bella and they need to update it with rapping and more teen angst?
It could end well, but I fear for my Edward.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Some news from Bill Condon
Not sure who Bill Condon is? He will be directing the last chapter of the Twilight Saga.
Check out the Denali Clan
I am too lazy to track down new photos and descriptions of all the actors/actresses that will comprise the Denali Clan in Breaking Dawn. You should just click on the link below to check out their names and pics over at Twicrack Addict.
I think that they should switch the actresses who are playing Irina and Tanya, but overall, they seem to be good choices.
Say it with me... Awwwww!
Monday, September 20, 2010
I Never Stood A Chance
I tracked the bids at least once a day in hopes that it would stall. Perhaps even I would be able to throw my hat into the ring. Yes, I have no money in savings and I owe money for tuition, my car getting fixed, bills, and so on, but we are talking about Twilight, people!
My hope even held when it reached in the low $9,000 - $10,000 range, for surely my friends and family would pool enough money to send me within licking, I mean touching distance of Robert Pattinson. After surpassing the $15,000 mark, I gave up.
Thanks to one loyal Twi-hard, scientists will have $60,100 more dollars to use to combat cancer.
As for me, I will just have to be content knowing that Breaking Dawn is going to be filmed in two parts, so I better start saving my pennies now.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Happy Birthday, Bella!
To join in the birthday fun, I've included a few birthday ditties so Bella can celebrate her special day on September 13 in style.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Jackson Rathbone gets my Oscar vote
Oh sure, he still looked pretty horrible, but Jackson Rathbone is such a charismatic actor that you forget he looks like he is wearing a straw wig on his head and believe that he really is a skilled fighting machine who became a vampire during the Civil War. Yep, he is that good.
I don't know how he does it, but once he starts talking with that faint Southern accent and grins his dimple-inducing smile, you forget about his ugly clothes and hair and just see Jasper. You've seen the pictures, so you know the man must have some serious acting chops to pull off a distraction of that magnitude.
My hat's off to you, Jackson Rathbone, for proving that looks truly don't matter.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Fly on the Wall
Also, while these were all actually overheard, but only some were heard by me. An online Twilight friend of mine heard a couple of these doozies when she went to catch the flick. There is a bit of paraphrasing here and there due to the Edward hotness haze that you will be afflicted with after staring at his beauteous face on the big screen for two hours.
Edward makes a snarky comment about Jacob's chronic half-nakedness: "Doesn't he own a shirt?"
Response from woman in audience: "I'm sure glad he doesn't!"
Bunch of teenage guys watching the movie with dates. One leans over to his buddy and not so quietly whispers, "Dude, that Jacob guy has baby nips.It's creeping me out!"
Edward and Bella are busy celebrating their engagement on the screen. A male voice from the audience pipes up, "Sorry, ladies!"
A group of 40+ year old woman are watching the training scene, oohing and awing until they notice a wardrobe choice. "What the hell? Edward's wearing sweatpants?!?!"
Poo comments - this tends to be a theme when the wolves appear on the screen. "Wouldn't want to clean up my yard after one of those things has been running around."
"Do you think they poop when in wolf form or wait until they are human again?"
"If Bella picked Jacob over Edward, would she be on pooper scooper duty or make him clean up after himself?"
Jacob is snuggling up to keep Bella warm in the tent while Edward watches in agony. "My husband wouldn't let another guy do that. He'd be all, 'Go ahead and freeze your toes off, you don't need all 10 of them.'"
Guy leans over to his wife/girlfriend, "You said only guys can be wolves, so what's up with that chick? Is she really a she-male or something?"
After catching a glimpse of the engagement ring, "Ewwww, you'd think Edward would have better taste. Bella could use that as frickin' brass knuckles!"
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A few links for your viewing pleasure
I believe this pic and a few others will be in a GQ spread. Not certain, but if you really want to know, you can do the sleuthing.
TwiCrack Addict - lots of fun Eclipse stuff with behind the scenes photos, like this one.
Who is your lady friend , Nikki? She's got some cute hair.
Jackson!?!? Sorry man, I didn't recognize you there...
You usually look more, um, like this -
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Silly, silly merchandisers
Team Switzerland, for when you feel the love for fire and ice!
Would this be too creepy?
Ken necklace created by Margeux Lange
So, would little Edward face necklaces be too out there fellow Twilighters?
Friday, June 11, 2010
Someone call Great Clips
I actually like Rosalie's hair and makeup here, but Emmett? Is he supposed to be a Vulcan visiting Forks in this movie?
No real problems with Esme here. Hopefully they remember to blend the foundation all the way up to her hairline in this flick, though. Carlisle, on the other hand, has a severe case of helmet-head - are you ready for some football!
For me, this is the worst one. I've said it before and I'll say it again -WHY, SUMMIT, WHY?!?! Alice's trademark wispy, spiky hair is some bob cut and I will not even comment on Jasper's hair.
If they had to give Jasper a slightly longer 'do, they should have done a little something like this...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Twilight Explained - Sort of
Sadly, elements of this video make perfect sense. Case in point - Bella, or should I say Lego?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tempted by the Fruit of Another
It started out innocently, me wanting to just have something new to read when I get a spare minute. (What about Twilight, you ask? I read a good 10 minutes or more of the series every day, thank you!) I am looking at the discount books at K-mart and grab one called Blue Bloods. It's cheap, not a huge tomb, and isn't a teaching manual - sold! Once at home, I take it out and start reading. It's good, really good.
Cut to the end of that week and I have devoured all four existing books in the series. As I type, I anxiously await October so I can get my next Blue Bloods fix.
We all read other books, right? Well, this is a little different because this is a series about vampires. Who are teens. And there is a love triangle. Did I mention that werewolves are being added to the series eventually?
No sparkling in sunlight for these vamps, but I am completely intrigued with the author's concepts. Vampires are really angels that were cast out of heaven for following the Morningstar - Lucifer. They must live their lives out on Earth, helping civilization in order to try to win favor with the Almighty for a second chance at heaven.
Yes, they suck blood, but never drain people. It is supposed to be a holy, special kind of exchange between human familiar and vampire. Plus, they get reincarnated after every life cycle with memories that kick-in as they reach the age of 18. Many of the vamps can remember back to the Mayflower or even ancient Egypt.
Now, imagine all this, plus add a dash of teenage angst and self-discovery. Makes for an interesting mix. Especially when you are a rich, elite teen who finds out that you have super powers and need to suck blood to survive.
The whole new take on vampires has me thirsting for more, much like Twilight did. But rest assured friends, I may be tempted, but will never desert Twidom. After all, there is only one Edward.
It's ok, Big T. I know you'll always come back to me in the end.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Would if I could
1: The sister I am referring to reads this blog though she is no fan of Twilight - weirdo. Not for reading the blog, but because she doesn't like the Twidom.
2. I am tired of studying and taking a brain break.
3. My mother would KILL Little T and I. Even Edward would not be able to save us from her fury.
One of our sisters is getting married come August, I think. The card is on the fridge and I am much too lazy to go look. No, I'm right because I have to take a day off from my weekend job to attend. Anyway... this sister has made Twilight verboten at the wedding. I am sad, but am forced to respect her wishes. I think she is worried Edward will be prettier than her, but then again, he is prettier than everyone, so really, it is a moot point.
If I were completely evil - hypothetical, not going to really happen - these are the things I would do to sneak Twilight into the wedding.
1. Replace the cake topper with Edward and Bella action figures.
2. Wrap my wedding gift in pages from "Breaking Dawn."
3. Have the d.j. play the entire soundtrack from "Twilight", "New Moon", and "Eclipse" at the reception. Note to self: May still attempt this one.
4. Sneak an Edward cardboard cut-out into the reception (I do have some giant purses...) and follow the photographer around to photo bomb as many pictures as possible.
5. Bribe anyone who is going to give a toast at the reception so they use random quotes from the book series in their speech. Extra money to the individual who uses one of my favorite phrases from the movie - ask Little T. She knows.
One last time - I WON'T REALLY DO THESE. But I am looking for more ideas, just in case...
We can all breath now
Things were squared away this week and I can now put my pitchfork and torch away since I will no longer need to lead the angry mob of Twilighters in a crusade for Summit executive heads. Darn.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
This could be disasterous
Why, you ask? Kellan and Ashley are asking for some more moola to be in "Breaking Dawn" seeing as Summit is making heaps 'o' dough off the Twilight Saga flicks. Summit has supposedly offered them a "very generous sum" and feels that the actors are being greedy. There is serious talk of them dumping the two actors to "make an example" and show the other cast and crew members that Summit doesn't mess around.
I am so hoping that this is false, but several Twilight fandom bloggers have been doing mega research in regard to this rumor and all signs point to this being true.
Summit, I will still see the movie, but I am not going to accept someone else playing Emmett or Alice. It's bad enough what you did to Victoria (whenever I see the new Victoria in the movie trailers I cringe), but to take away Kellan and Ashley would be a HUGE mistake.
Heck, think of the merchandising issues they'd have! This could very well end up being Summit's biggest mistake.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Purse
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hot bag of crap
Another example of my geekitude is the fact that in the summer I work at the local renaissance faire. Costume and all, baby. I don't really like being a patron, except for the food and fire whip performer (hello, gorgeous!), but I love interacting with the customers and work for a really cool chick. And today her coolness points skyrocketed.
There was a package on the counter at work today. Since I haven't ordered anything lately, I didn't think there was a snowball's chance in hell that it would be for me - but I was wrong! Tucked inside the package was a card and a purse.
I flipped the purse over and Edward's eyes peered up at me. I started laughing so much I teared up and opened the card. My ren boss (and friend) had written: "Here's a hot bag full of crap."
Curious, I open the bag and inside is a piece of soap shaped like crap. Literal crap.
Cherie, you are so flippin' awesome!!!
I will be posting a photo of my beloved Edward purse soon, if someone can pry it out of my hands long enough to take a pic.
-Big T
Monday, May 10, 2010
Welcome, Newbie!
Why did you start reading the Twilight Series?
My sister gave me Twilight to try out and I was hooked! (Note from Big T: I've always thought your sister had excellent taste.)
What book are you currently reading?
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Team Edward! Jacob is too "unstable", as Edward likes to call it, for me right now, haha.
If you could be any character from the series, who would you like to be and why?
Alice - she sounds super cute and happy, plus she can see into the future - how fantastic.
Have you seen the movies? If yes, did you like them? How do you feel they compared to the books? If not, how come?
Nope, haven't seen the movies yet. I think seeing teens on screen would take away from the stories. Somehow I can relate to the stories, even though I'm almost 31! Also, I don't particularly care for the actors who play the characters. (Another note from Big T: I sincerely hope you are not referring to our beloved Rob Pattinson or Taylor Lautner. If so, you may be receiving dog doo in the mail.)
How immersed in the Twilight community have you become? Talking to strangers about the series when you notice Twilight gear, reading blogs, writing your own blog, owning action figures, wearing shirts, etc.
I haven't become that immersed in the Twilight community, but I think I'm going to be content just reading the books. I'm not big on paraphernalia. (Yet another note from Big T: Ming, Ming, Ming - once you are a member of the Twilight fandom long enough, the paraphernalia just starts to appear around you. Prepare to be assimilated. )
Would you ever want to visit Forks, Washington to see all the real locations?
What is your favorite part about the series so far? Least favorite?
Favorite part - when Edward and Bella are getting to know each other in Twilight. He's so sweet to her. Least favorite - Every time Bella does something reckless. She can be so annoying. Jeez, if I were Edward or Jacob, I would get so tired of rescuing her all the time!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Ming! We are utterly delighted that you joined us over here in Twilightland!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What Were They Thinking?
Little T and I have a theory that his attractiveness was too distracting for the movie execs and they've been toning down Jackson's hotness in each movie to make Rob Pattinson look even better. Do they not understand that Rob needs no help and that they should totally cash in on Jackson's good looks too? Judging by these pictures, I guess not.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
How May I Help You?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Happy 18th Birthday, Taylor Lautner!
Little T is an Edward lover, through and through. Big T, her feelings are a bit more complicated. However, she recently found a magnet that perfectly explains it rather simply: I love Edward... until Jacob takes his shirt off.
Big T gets into playful arguments with the older girls at the school where she works about how she is going to marry Taylor Lautner and Little T gets Rob Pattinson (this is only arranged to avoid having the two sisters battle to death over who gets to have Rob). That plan wasn't really feasible until today, due to the fact that Big T is so much older than Taylor and he is underage to boot. But not anymore! Happy Birthday, Taylor!
In order to celebrate this special, special day, we had a party for the birthday boy, complete with cupcakes. May he survive the hoards of older Twilight fans that will now be stalking him and someday visit Kenosha to find the older girl of his dreams.