Mug of hot chocolate - check. Flashlight - check. Good book - check. Jasper doll - check. Ready to crawl under blanket fort - check. Available from TheBlackPumpkin.
Jasper duckie, you're the one! You make bath time so much fun (wink, wink). Available from OnlyDucks.
Sadly, there are not a whole lot of Jasper-themed items on Etsy at the moment. In fact, during one of my "Jasper" searches I ended up finding some really nice non-Twilight jewelry. Hmmm, methinks Little T and I may need to remedy that problem.
I believe this pic and a few others will be in a GQ spread. Not certain, but if you really want to know, you can do the sleuthing.
TwiCrack Addict - lots of fun Eclipse stuff with behind the scenes photos, like this one.
Who is your lady friend , Nikki? She's got some cute hair.
Jackson!?!? Sorry man, I didn't recognize you there...
You usually look more, um, like this -
Team Switzerland, for when you feel the love for fire and ice!
Ken necklace created by Margeux Lange
So, would little Edward face necklaces be too out there fellow Twilighters?
I actually like Rosalie's hair and makeup here, but Emmett? Is he supposed to be a Vulcan visiting Forks in this movie?
No real problems with Esme here. Hopefully they remember to blend the foundation all the way up to her hairline in this flick, though. Carlisle, on the other hand, has a severe case of helmet-head - are you ready for some football!
For me, this is the worst one. I've said it before and I'll say it again -WHY, SUMMIT, WHY?!?! Alice's trademark wispy, spiky hair is some bob cut and I will not even comment on Jasper's hair.
If they had to give Jasper a slightly longer 'do, they should have done a little something like this...
Sadly, elements of this video make perfect sense. Case in point - Bella, or should I say Lego?
It's ok, Big T. I know you'll always come back to me in the end.
Little T is an Edward lover, through and through. Big T, her feelings are a bit more complicated. However, she recently found a magnet that perfectly explains it rather simply: I love Edward... until Jacob takes his shirt off.
Big T gets into playful arguments with the older girls at the school where she works about how she is going to marry Taylor Lautner and Little T gets Rob Pattinson (this is only arranged to avoid having the two sisters battle to death over who gets to have Rob). That plan wasn't really feasible until today, due to the fact that Big T is so much older than Taylor and he is underage to boot. But not anymore! Happy Birthday, Taylor!
In order to celebrate this special, special day, we had a party for the birthday boy, complete with cupcakes. May he survive the hoards of older Twilight fans that will now be stalking him and someday visit Kenosha to find the older girl of his dreams.