Today's Etsy post is devoted to Jasper. My heart may belong to Edward Cullen, but if I were left alone with Jasper... well, let's just say he wouldn't need to use his powers of persuasion to steal me away from his brother.*
*As I typed that last line I got a mental image of Little T calling me a trollop. I guess I am a sucker for a pretty vegetarian vampire face. At least I'm keeping it in the Cullen family, right?

I know this should be considered Jackson Rathbone and not Jasper, but I couldn't resist! If I had this key chain, I don't think I'd ever have a problem with misplacing my keys again. Available from StraitjacketFun.
Mug of hot chocolate - check. Flashlight - check. Good book - check. Jasper doll - check. Ready to crawl under blanket fort - check. Available from TheBlackPumpkin.
Jasper duckie, you're the one! You make bath time so much fun (wink, wink). Available from OnlyDucks.
Sadly, there are not a whole lot of Jasper-themed items on Etsy at the moment. In fact, during one of my "Jasper" searches I ended up finding some really nice non-Twilight jewelry. Hmmm, methinks Little T and I may need to remedy that problem.
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