Remember ages ago when I introduced you to Etsy? You know, that website that I am obsessed with, the one where you can purchase all sorts of delightfully delicious handmade items?
Today's Etsy post is devoted to Jasper. My heart may belong to Edward Cullen, but if I were left alone with Jasper... well, let's just say he wouldn't need to use his powers of persuasion to steal me away from his brother.*
*As I typed that last line I got a mental image of Little T calling me a trollop. I guess I am a sucker for a pretty vegetarian vampire face. At least I'm keeping it in the Cullen family, right?

I know this should be considered Jackson Rathbone and not Jasper, but I couldn't resist! If I had this key chain, I don't think I'd ever have a problem with misplacing my keys again. Available from

What's with the Confederate flag and gun, you ask? Silly, did you forget that once upon a time Jasper was a soldier in the Confederate army before he joined the Cullen fam? Available from

Mug of hot chocolate - check. Flashlight - check. Good book - check. Jasper doll - check. Ready to crawl under blanket fort - check. Available from TheBlackPumpkin.
Jasper duckie, you're the one! You make bath time so much fun (wink, wink). Available from OnlyDucks.
Sadly, there are not a whole lot of Jasper-themed items on Etsy at the moment. In fact, during one of my "Jasper" searches I ended up finding some really nice non-Twilight jewelry. Hmmm, methinks Little T and I may need to remedy that problem.